Episode 13

That Thing We Call Church


October 14th, 2020

43 mins 14 secs

Season 1

Your Hosts
Special Guest

About this Episode

Hello friends of the world! We hope your week is full of fun, friends and food.

On today's episode, we ask what exactly is the church and is it stil relevant today? Why is it important and what does it add to our lives? With a special guest host, Brendan, Caleb and GK chat through their personal experiences of being apart of the church and what good it can bring to the world.

OG Recommendations:
Caleb: Reuasable Waterbottle
Brendan: David Tennant Does a Podcast With... - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/david-tennant-does-a-podcast-with/id1450005207
GK: New Girl TV Series - https://www.netflix.com/search?q=new&jbv=70196145

Socials (aka Intsagram)!
Originals: @hwyoriginals